Goodreads Interview

How do you deal with writer’s block?

LaFreddie B Sometimes reading helps. I can read another urban/Christian fiction and the author can spark an idea within me that will help me push past the block.
LaFreddie B For me the best thing about being a writer is the ability to create a new world away from your current everyday life. Writing allows that momentary escape from reality to be who you want to be, living the life you want to live where you want to live it. Often this escapes makes you appreciate the reality.
LaFreddie B Proofread you work. Have someone else proofread it. And invest in an editor. What you put out is a direct reflection of you. Readers find it hard to forgive grammatical and spelling errors. They look at sentence and paragraph structure. You want your writing to print a master piece of who you are not a water painting on a scrap piece of paper. Take your time an put forth your best work and nothing less.
LaFreddie B I’m currently working on three different projects. The sequel to my first novel, Long Distance Relations is my first priority. My goal is to have that released in 2015. My second priority is the other book I talked about, a Praying Grandmother. I may be able to get that one out in early to mid 2016 if not sooner.
LaFreddie B A number of things inspire me. First, my life. Much of my writing is inspired by my life and things that have happened to me or my friends/family throughout the years. Second, there is music. Once I have a thought in mind or a writing idea, I can put on my playlist and my juices will begin to flow.
LaFreddie B My most recent book was sparked by my love for my grandmother, the effects that she has on our family, and how she does everything she can to keep us together. I thought it would be a great tribute not only to my grandmother, but to grandmothers everywhere to write this book. 

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